Coffee Stain Removal

How to remove Coffee Stains from Carpet

Coffee stain removal

Your in a hurry to get to work in the morning just finished breakfast and grab your car keys right next to your coffee cup. Oops, you just spilled your coffee all over your carpet. What do you do now? Below you will find steps that will guide you through the process of coffee stain removal.

  1. Soak up and remove coffee stain from carpet, try to soak up as much of the coffee carpet stain as you can with a clean dry cloth. This will help prevent the coffee from soaking into the carpet fibers. (take care not to scrub carpet)
  2. In a medium bowl mix 1cup warm water, 1 tsp dish soap
  3. Using a clean sponge or cloth towel gently blot this mixture onto the coffee stain (take care not to scrub carpet)
  4. Using a clean dry white cloth towel gently blot up the coffee carpet stain and soap solution. Soak up as much of the liquid as possible. (take care not to scrub carpet)
  5. Fill a medium bowl with warm water
  6. Using a clean sponge or cloth towel blot the warm water onto the coffee stain. Using a dry cloth towel soak up as much of the liquid as possible. This will rinse the stain and prep it for the next step
  7. In a medium bowl mix 1/3 cup white vinegar and 2/3 cup water
  8. Using a clean sponge or cloth towel blot this solution onto the coffee stain. You should start to see the coffee stain disappear now. Repeat steps 2 through 8 if necessary.
  9. When stain has lifted, thoroughly rinse area with warm water (take care not to scrub carpet)
  10. After rinsing is complete soak up any remaining moisture from the carpet with a clean dry cloth towel. (take care not to scrub carpet)

This coffee stain removal method works well for removing coffee stains from carpet that are new or fresh. If the stain has been on the carpet for several days or longer you may need to hire a professional cleaning company to remove the coffee stain for you.

There are also many products available like Spot Out Professional Strength that work for coffee stain removal from carpet.

When ever removing a stain from your carpet take care not to scrub your carpet. Scrubbing your carpet may damage the carpet fibers and leave your carpet with a frayed worn appearance. Always blot with an up and down motion pressing into the carpet then lifting up and away from the carpet and repeating.

Always test any stain removal remedy in an inconspicuous area to ensure color fastness and that it does not damage your carpet.